Nils Hausig - Computer Science M.Sc.
APP development from the start

Hello, I'm Nils Hausig. I'm a graduate computer scientist and senior software engineer, and I help you develop the perfect app for iOS and Android.

Getting straight to the point from the beginning

Through my many years of experience in the complete implementation of app projects - both on my own and as part of a team - from specification through professional implementation to publishing, I successfully realize your wishes.

Quality requires qualification

Quality plays a crucial role for me at all levels of my work for you, from a well thought-out and maintainable architecture to a user-friendly user interface to structured and easily readable source code.

Success arises when two have the same goal.

You work with me consistently and agilely. Through the use of CI/CD, you have a functional product in your hands every day during the entire development time. This ensures that our ideas don't drift apart.


App Development

I conceive, design, and develop mobile apps for you. Native on iOS and Android with Swift and Kotlin or cross-platform with Flutter and Dart. I've been involved in the app wave since the beginning and have successfully launched over 40 apps for phones and tablets for various clients.

Backend and Cloud Development

Apps usually don't exist in a vacuum. Additional functionality is often needed in the cloud: content management, user management, authentication and authorization, in-app purchasing, tracking. I provide all of this for you.

Device Control (IoT)

You've developed a device and need a frontend for it. The firmware is constantly evolving and the end user should be able to perform, for example, an OTA firmware upgrade. I've already developed frontends for headphones, kitchen appliances, and navigation instruments that communicate via BLE, TCP, or UDP.

Team Support

You already have an app up and running and need support for your team to continue development. I'm also willing to get my hands dirty and am accustomed to reading, understanding, refactoring, or extending code from other developers.

App Rescue

Your app is no longer functioning. The developers are overwhelmed or have disappeared. Starting a complete redevelopment may not be worthwhile at this time. I quickly work my way into an old codebase and get the app up and running again.


You have an application in mind that includes a high degree of geobased functionality. This includes navigation applications, geofencing, ride-sharing, booking, or delivery systems. Specifically for these use cases, I've developed numerous apps for clients like VW, immonet, Herta, Proximity, MOIA, and KartenWerft.



As a software developer for iOS and Android, I offer not only the ability to develop mobile applications, but also a network of experts who work in various areas of app development. This gives me the opportunity to offer the customer a more comprehensive solution that meets their requirements and needs.

Collaborating with concept designers, UI designers, graphic designers, and backend developers enables me to develop an app that is not only technically flawless but also aesthetically appealing and user-friendly. We can ensure that the app has a reliable infrastructure that ensures it functions smoothly. As a result, you will receive a customized solution that exceeds your expectations and provides a positive user experience.


  • Swift
  • Objective-C
  • dart
  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • C
  • C++
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • MVC
  • MVVM
  • MVP
  • MVI
  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • GitLab CI
  • bitrise
  • fastlane
  • tuist
  • Firebase
  • Scrum
  • Kanban
  • JIRA
  • Confluence
  • CI/CD
  • Swift
  • SwiftUI
  • UIKit
  • Objective-C
  • dart
  • flutter
  • cocoapods
  • SPM
  • tuist
  • RxSwift
  • combine
  • PromiseKit



Dipl. Inform. Nils Hausig

Stettiner Straße 19
31582 Nienburg
Brummelhorn 1
22159 Hamburg

+49 151 54771876


I am a computer science graduate and have been involved in software development for 30 years. I worked for 10 years as a Senior Software Architect at Adobe Systems in Hamburg, San Jose, and Seattle. Since 2006, I have been working as a freelance software developer for renowned clients such as VW, Gruner+Jahr, Sennheiser, and Edeka. My focus is on developing native apps for mobile platforms. In doing so, I have carried out many interesting projects: